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When the BUILD_TESTING option is enabled on the CMake build system (which it is, by default), a passgen-test binary will be built which runs unit tests against the codebase.

For convenience, tests can be run using the test target of the build system.

make test

These should be run and pass before committing.

You can also filter the tests to run only specific tests by calling the test binary directly. For example, this will only run tests that start with random:

./src/test/passgen-test random


It is recommended to run the unit tests under Valgrind occasionally. This will catch memory leaks and certain kinds of undesired behaviour such as illegal memory accesses, at the expense of runtime speed. When doing so, it is important to make sure that the tool reports no errors and that "all heap blocks were freed".

$ valgrind ./tests/passgen-test -v

Another recommendation is using the LLVM sanitizers. To do this, the code needs to be compiled specially with them enabled, instructions on how to do that can be found at the Tooling page.


The folder src/tests/ contains the testing framework, consisting of tests.h and tests.c as well as the unit tests themselves. The unit testing system is a very basic homegrown one which offers assert() and assert_eq() macros and does some reporting.

Every file containing tests is listed in the CMakeLists.txt in the tests folder. Any test sources listed there are automatically scanned for unit tests by scripts/generate_test_list.rb.

At build time, a list of these functions is automatically generated in <build-folder>/tests/test_list.c. This means that adding a new test function only requires a rebuild to be recognised and added to the binary, whereas adding a new test file requires editing the CMake config to make it get scanned as well.


Every unit test must return the test_result type, and end with a return test_ok; statement. The name of the unit test must start with test_ and should not take any arguments.

test_result test_some_name(void) {
    assert_eq(2, 2);

    return test_ok;

Any functions that do not match these requirements will not be picked up automatically by the unit testing framework and will not run. This is so that you can define helper functions that are not treated as tests themselves.

It is probably easiest to take a look at the other tests that already exist for some reference on how to write your own unit tests.

Tests binary

By default, when building the code, the tests binary is generated and found in <build-dir>/src/tests/passgen-test. This should be run after every recompilation to ensure that no breaking changes were introduced.

$ ./build/tests/passgen-test
[94/94] running utf8_encode_simple
=> 94/94 tests passed.

This tests binary accepts some arguments. Calling it with the -h flag shows documentation on the options it accepts.

$ ./build/tests/passgen-test -h
./tests/passgen-test [OPTIONS] [FILTERS...]
Runs unit tests for passgen and reports results.

  -h, --help
    Shows this help text
  -v, --verbose
    Shows more verbose information
  -s, --shuffle
    Randomises the order in which tests are run

  Match based on prefix. A filter such as 'random' would match any test case
  beginning with random, such as random_init, random_u8, etc.

In order to see more accurate timing information, you may want to run it with the --verbose flag. The --shuffle flag is good to ensure that test cases don't depend on each other.

The filters can be used to only run tests starting with a specific name, which is not really necessary as running all tests only takes a fraction of a second anyways, but can be useful when certain tests are broken during a refactoring.