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Passgen usage

Passgen usage example.

There are two basic ways of using the passgen command-line utility. The simplest usage is by using a preset. Passgen comes pre-loaded with some useful presets, but you can override them or set your own. You can use the --list flag to see all available presets. This will show you the names and patterns of every preset that passgen knows about.

$ passgen --list
preset firefox [a-zA-Z0-9]{15}
preset edge [A-Za-f0-9:_\-]{15}
preset apple2 ([a-zA-Z0-9]{6}-){2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}
preset apple1 ([a-zA-Z0-9]{3}-){3}[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}
preset uuid [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}

To use any of these presets, you can use the --preset flag along with the name of the preset you want to use.

$ passgen --preset apple2

The other way of using passgen is by specifying a pattern. This lets you describe the exact shape of sequence that you want passgen to generate for you, and this is useful if none of the presets do what you want. The pattern is described in a syntax that is inspired by regular expressions and is better explained in the Syntax section. Here is a few examples:

$ passgen abc
$ passgen '[a-z]{12}'

Passgen supports more funtionality, which can be used with either preset-based or pattern-based usage. This is enabled using command-line flags. Usually, every command-line flag comes in a pair: a long version starting with two dashes, for example --amount, and a short version starting with a single dash, such as -a. Passgen also has a good help text and a manual page.


By default, passgen will only generate a single sequence when you run it. But if you use the --amount flag, you can tell it to output multiple sequences. This is useful for example when you want to generate many passphrases at once.

$ passgen --amount 5 '[a-z]{8}'

Entropy Calculation

Entropy is a measure of how much randomness goes into creating a sequence. This is used to describe the security of a password. The higher this number is, the better. You can ask passgen to calculate the entropy of every password it generates, which gives you a good idea of how secure your sequences are. The Entropy section describes this in more detail. You should aim to use passphrases with an entropy higher than 100.

Using the --entropy flag, you can ask passgen to compute the entropy of every sequence it generates. This estimation is very accurate.

$ passgen -e '[a-z]{8}'
entropy: 37.603518 bits
$ passgen -e '[a-zA-Z0-9]{18}'
entropy: 107.175534 bits

JSON Output

If you would like to use the output of passgen as the input for other tools, it might make sense to use a standardized format rather than plain text. For this reason, you can ask passgen to output the sequences as JSON. This is useful, for example for feeding the output into jq for post-processing. To enable this, use the --json flag.

$ passgen -j -p apple1
$ passgen -j -e '[a-z]{19}' -a 2 | jq
    "output": "unzoigkddixtagqcdqc",
    "entropy": 89.308355
    "output": "oczkdkqooqhpvgwtjpd",
    "entropy": 89.308355


It turns out that completely random characters are quite hard to remember, especially if you're being a good digital citizen and use a different passphrase for every website. One trick that is quite common is using random words from a dictionary, because they are more memorable.

You can use the --wordlist name:/path flag to tell passgen to load words from a wordlist, and then reference it in the pattern with \w{name}, which will be replaced with a random word from the list.

$ passgen --wordlist english:/usr/share/dict/words "(\w{english}-){3}\w{english}"

Markov Chains

Instead of picking real words from a dictionary, passgen can also use the dictionary to populate a Markov chain, which is a specialized data structure that allows it to learn how words in a given language are constructed by looking at how frequently different character tuples appear, and it can use that information to construct words that are not real words but close enough to be pronounceable and thus memorable.

$ passgen --wordlist english:/usr/share/dict/words "(\m{english}-){3}\m{english}"

Randomness Source

By default, passgen will use the system's secure random number generator. You can override this and use a different source of randomness using the --random flag, this is explained more in the Randomness section. It is not recommended to using a different source of randomness because the default is typically the best.


You can customize passgen by writing your own configuration file. On startup, passgen will read the system configuration file located at /etc/passgen.conf, and your use configuration file at ~/.config/passgen.conf, if either of them exist.

In these configuration files, you can specify pattern presets and wordlists. The syntax for this file looks like this:

preset mypreset [a-z]{8}
preset otherpreset [a-zA-Z0-9]{18}
wordlist english /usr/share/dict/words
wordlist other /usr/share/dict/other

If you save this at ~/.config/passgen.conf, then you can use the presets you have defined in there just like any built-in presets.


You can use the --help flag for passgen to get a quick help text with an overview of all of the flags. Passgen also comes with a good man page, if you have it installed you can view it like this:

$ man passgen