Entropy is the measure of chaos in a system. In computer science, we use the
term entropy when talking about random data as measuring how many bits of
randomness something contains. For example, a lowercase eight-letter password
such as frjnqaip
contains less entropy than an alphanumeric eight-character
password that has both upper- and lowercase letters, such as HH8rfTiF
despite them having the same length. This is because there are more
possibilities of the latter.
Passgen can calculate the entropy of the passphrases it generates. This can
give you a useful estimate of how much computing power would be required to
crack the passphrase, if an adversary knew the exact pattern you were using to
generate it. You can use the --entropy
flag to tell passgen to compute
the entropy as it is generating passwords. For example:
$ passgen -e '[a-z]{8}'
entropy: 37.603518 bits
$ passgen -e '[A-Za-z0-9]{8}'
entropy: 47.633570 bits
In general, the longer a passphrase is, or the more choice it has (more possible letters, longer wordlist), the higher the entropy it, and therefore the more secure it is.
Given some public data, it is possible to estimate how much time an adversary would need to crack a passphrase of a given entropy, assuming that the adversary knows the pattern used to generate it.
Name | Value |
Entropy | |
Algorithm | |
Budget | |
Time |
We recommend to use passphrases with at least 100 bits of entropy. Every bit doubles the computational effort needed to crack the passphrase. It is better to err on the side of caution. Also keep in mind that often times, the passphrase is not the weakest link in the chain, but the human is.
Security (XKCD 538)