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A CI/CD system (continuous integration and continuous deployment) is used to run jobs every time the code changes, such as when new code is pushed or in merge requests. These jobs are used to check the changes (integration) and deploy them (deployment).

In the case of Passgen, the system is used to run a whole array of checks against the code (unit tests, including running them with Valgrind or LLVM sanitizers), generate reports (test coverage, source code documentation) and deploy those as well as this documentation.

This project uses GitLab Pipelines as its CI. These are configured by the .gitlab-ci.yml file. This file defines that jobs that are run, and when they are supposed to be run. GitLab CI makes it very easy to define jobs because it has a very simple YAML syntax and the jobs run in Docker containers, which makes it easy to test and debug them locally.

The CI configuration is split into different stages. Passgen uses four stages in its config: Setup, Test, Build, Deploy.

These stages will run sequentially, while all jobs that are part of a given stage run in parallel. This means that first, all of the jobs from the setup stage will run in parallel. Once they have all completed, then all of the jobs from the test stage will run in parallel. Once they have completed, all of the jobs from the build stage will run, and so on.

Every job runs in a Docker container, has access to the repository and artifacts of the previous jobs. Every job can export some artifacts. Jobs can also create Docker images, more about that later. For example, this is the job that builds Passgen for amd64:

  stage: build
    - mkdir build-amd64 && cd build-amd64
    - ninja
    - ./src/tests/passgen-test
    - ../scripts/ ./src/cli/passgen
    - cpack -G TXZ
    - cpack -G DEB
      - build-amd64
    expire_in: 1 week

This job defines that it should use the Docker image, it is part of the build stage, it defines some commands that should be run in this Docker image and finally it exports the build-amd64 folder as an artifact.

You can think of jobs as a function mentally: they can take some inputs (the code, artifacts from previous jobs) and produce some outputs (new artifacts). This is why GitLab also calls them pipelines.

The following sections explain how Passgen uses GitLab CI, and what the individual jobs do.


In the setup stage, some jobs are run that create Docker containers which are later used by other jobs. These Docker containers are defined by Dockerfiles located in the scripts folder. It is very easy to create custom Docker images as part of GitLab CI jobs because GitLab has a Container Registry built-in that CI jobs have access to.

Here is how one of these jobs looks like:

  image: docker
  stage: setup
    - docker:dind
    - docker build . -f scripts/alpine.dockerfile -t "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/alpine"
    - docker push "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/alpine"
      - master
      - scripts/alpine.dockerfile

You can see that this job uses the docker image. It requires the docker:dind service, this is simply another Docker container that is spawned and runs a Docker daemon. Using these two together allows the job to use Docker in the CI job. It logs in to the GitLab registry ( and builds and pushes the alpine.dockerfile image. This will end up at

What you can also see is the only section. This limits the job to only running for new code on the master branch, and to only running if the alpine.dockerfile has changed in the commit.

These are the jobs in the setup stage and what they do:

Name Description
docker:alpine Builds alpine.dockerfile. Used to build static MUSL releases of Passgen.
docker:deploy Builds deploy.dockerfile. Used to build documentation and deploy to GitLab Pages.
docker:mingw64 Builds mingw64.dockerfile. Used to cross-compile Passgen for Windows.
docker:macos Builds macos.dockerfile. Used to cross-compile Passgen for macOS.
docker:riscv64 Builds riscv64.dockerfile. Used for cross-compile RISC-V releases of Passgen.
docker:amd64 Builds amdm64.dockerfile. Used to build AMD64 releases of Passgen.
docker:aarch64 Builds aarch64.dockerfile. Used to cross-compile ARM releases of Passgen.
docker:wasi Builds wasi.dockerfile. Used to create WASI WebAssembly releases of Passgen.

While the jobs are set up to only run if the respective Dockerfile has changed, there is also a scheduled pipeline to rebuild everything weekly. This causes these jobs to run regardless, in order to ensure that these images do not get stale.


In the test stage, Passgen is built in debug mode and various unit tests are run against it. For jobs that cross-compile, QEMU is used to emulate other architectures (such as ARM or RISC-V64) to be able to run the unit tests.

Here is a list of the jobs in this stage and what they do:

Name Description
sanitize Builds Passgen using the amd64 image with various LLVM sanitizers enabled and runs unit tests.
test:aarch64 Builds Passgen for ARM using the aarch64 and runs unit tests with QEMU.
test:alpine Builds Passgen statically using the alpine image and runs unit tests.
test:amd64 Builds Passgen using the amd64 image and runs unit tests.
test:riscv64 Builds Passgen using the riscv64 image and runs unit tests with QEMU.


In the build stage, Passgen is built in release mode, and it is packaged.


In the deploy stage, documentation is built and published on GitLab Pages, along with the releases from the build stage.